Which side of the plane to sit when flying in Central America?

On a sunny day the world always looks beautiful from above, no matter what's going on down below.

Between San Salvador and Managua

Heard from any famous volanoes in Central America? You'll be able to see:

  • San Vicente / Chinchontepec Volcano
  • San Miguel / Chaparrastique Volcano
  • The Fonseca Gulf volcanic islands from the Holocene Era.
  • Cosigüina Volcano
  • San Cristoobal Volvano
  • Chiletepe Peninsula dual calderas.

Flights from San Salvador to Managua

  • Sit on the left hand side of the plane (Eastward facing window). Late for a late afternoon flight.

Flights from Managua to San Salvador

  • Sit on the right side of the plane (Eastward facing window). Aim for a late afternoon flight.

This article was updated on September 17, 2022